Primer on Linear Algebra for Quantum
This primer is based on Chapter 2 of Nielsen and Chuang's book Quantum Computation and Quantum Information. It covers concepts in linear algebra that are essential for understanding quantum mechanics and quantum computing.
1. Bases and Linear Independence
A set of vectors
A basis is a linearly independent set of vectors that spans the entire vector space. Every vector in the space can be uniquely expressed as a linear combination of basis vectors.
2. Linear Operators and Matrices
A linear operator
In finite dimensions, linear operators can be represented as matrices acting on column vectors.
3. Inner Products
An inner product
- Conjugate symmetry:
- Linearity:
- Positivity:
with equality only if .
For quantum mechanics, the standard inner product in Hilbert space is:
4. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
For a linear operator
5. Adjoints and Hermitian Operators
The adjoint (or Hermitian conjugate)
A matrix is Hermitian if
6. Tensor (Outer) Products
The tensor product of two vectors
This is fundamental in quantum mechanics for describing composite systems.
6.1 Spectral Decomposition Theorem
Any Hermitian operator
7. Operator Functions
Functions of an operator
This is useful for defining matrix exponentials and other functions in quantum mechanics.
8. Commutator and Anti-Commutator
The commutator measures the non-commutativity of two operators:
In quantum mechanics, nonzero commutators indicate fundamental uncertainty relationships (e.g., position and momentum).
The anti-commutator is defined as:
9. Polar and Singular Value Decomposition
Polar decomposition: Any operator
can be written as: where
is unitary and is positive semi-definite. -
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD): Any matrix
can be expressed as: where
are unitary and is diagonal with nonnegative entries.
Definitions of Terms
Adjoint / Hermitian Conjugate / Conjugate Transpose: The adjoint
is given by taking the complex conjugate and transposing a matrix. -
Unitary Operator: An operator
is unitary if: Unitary matrices preserve inner products and describe quantum evolution.
Completeness Relation: A set of orthonormal vectors
satisfies: This ensures that any vector in the space can be expanded in this basis.
This primer provides a foundation for understanding the mathematical framework behind quantum computing and quantum mechanics.